This Vase is the perfect complement to a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Produced in high-quality crystal glass, our collection of elegant vases bring affordable luxury to your home.
The Nachtmann Spring collection features modest bud vases made of beautiful crystal glass. With individual decorative accents to each piece, the designs work beautifully side by side or on their own. With a low center of gravity and sturdy base, the vases are stable and suitable for fancy parties or dinners as well as day-to-day enjoyment on your kitchen bench or window sill.
Machine-made and dishwasher safe.
Vase Decor C Spring (6-Pack)
SKU: 103233
Out of Stock
Year of design - 2020
Volume - 128.0 ccm
Height - 136.0 mm
Type of Manufacturing - machine-made
Material - Crystal